Explore Nepal

Explore Nepal is a beautiful trip to Nepal presented briefly all in one, in terms of major activities in Nepal.  We have designed this trip to allow you to explore Nepal within short time duration most attractive and popular touristic destination in Nepal. During this trip, you will have a big opportunity to have a lifetime experience of trekking, sightseeing, jungle safari with cultural, social, and Natural features of Nepal. This is an amazing country for an amazing trip of a lifetime.

Nepal is between two giants India and China, known as a Himalayan region in south Asia. Despite it is as a tiny country on a geographical map, it is a very vast and wide diverse land lock country in terms of its geographical and climatic features, as well as an incredible cultural hub among the different indigenous people on the basis of their social, religious and cultural way of life with perfect social harmony under the roof of the world (Mt. Everest), standing on the birth land of the Lord Buddha and in the lap of the amazing greeny hilly region, simply smiling together….forever…whatever…. with welcoming heart in a lifetime in Nepal.